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Top Six Common Forms of General Neurology Conditions

Neurological disorders are critical conditions that interfere with several people’s wellness. If you have been experiencing nerve and brain impairment, you might have an underlying neurological condition. Luckily, advancement in general neurology Oxnard has been vital in helping individuals to cope with these conditions. Therefore, it is high time you seek help from a neurological specialist. When you are aware of these conditions, you will be better prepared to find a mechanism to solve them and mitigate them from occurring. The following are some top six common forms of general neurology conditions.

Alzheimer Disease

This disorder is a sneaky and progressive dementia onset that starts with memory loss and anomie. Alzheimer’s disease develops over three stages developing a progressive fall in all your intellectual autonomy and functions. As the disorder progresses into the second stage, you will experience speech challenges and difficulty recognizing people’s movements. You will become silent and rest badly when the condition develops to the third stage.


Even though no single disorder encompasses a series of complications, cardiovascular injuries are among the leading causes of death globally. They can be characterized as cerebral hemorrhage involving the rupture of a blood vessel in your brain responsible for producing flood. The flood, in turn, damages the surrounding neurons’ compression, and stroke develops before the end of the blood supply to brain parts leading to strokes.

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Headaches are the most popular neurological disorders. They come in various forms, including cluster headaches, migraines, and tension headaches. Some main causes of headaches include infections, high blood pressure, tumor, and temporal arteritis. When it occurs persistently, it is high time you see your healthcare provider, as it could be a sign of a major problem.


Dementia is an umbrella diagnosis that defines a group of diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disorder, that can cause brain failure. Older people are more susceptible to dementia. The conditions can gradually lead to the loss of brain tissues that can affect your thinking, behavior, memory, perception, and emotions. If you are suspicious about symptoms of dementia, contact your physician immediately. Your doctor can refer you to support groups to enable you to manage your dementia.

Epilepsy and Seizures

Epilepsy and seizures occur in unexpected surges of electrical activity in your brain, causing seizures. Even though this condition can start at any age, it is more likely to begin in childhood or in individuals above 60 years. However, several causes of epilepsy do not have an identifiable cause, but it may occasionally occur due to stroke, brain tumor, severe head injury, and brain infection.

Parkinson’s Disease

This condition is a progressive nervous disorder that interferes with your coordination. Usually, Parkinson’s is more likely to occur as you age, affecting approximately one million Americans. Even though there is no cure, you can get several treatment options to manage it. The symptoms of this condition, such as a change in posture, facial expression, and walking, can worsen with time.

If left untreated, neurological disorders can cause serious life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, stroke, and hydrocephalus to less severe conditions like epilepsy, migraine, and sleep disorders. Luckily, there are several medications you can receive. These drugs can assist you or your relatives manage your condition, lower symptoms effectively, and boost your quality of life. Therefore, you should contact your doctor if you struggle with frequent headaches, memory loss, loss of sight, and tingling.