Losing your motivation in the gym happens to everyone, whether it’s when you’re coming back from an injury and feel you’ve lost progress, perhaps you’re going through a busy spell at work or you simply don’t have the feeling of wanting to go. There are so many different ways to help you regain your gym motivation and we’re here to introduce three of them! Whether it’s updating your wardrobe with seamless leggings or mixing up your routine, get ready to find your motivation again.
Get Yourself A New Outfit
We’re starting off with a simple one when it comes to regaining your gym motivation, which is to get yourself a new outfit! This might sound quite superficial, however a new gym outfit can really motivate you to get back in the gym. When you don’t have a gym outfit that makes you feel good, or it doesn’t fit properly, then it’s no wonder you don’t want to go. Not only that, but when you get in the gym, you won’t be able to push yourself to your full potential when your gym clothes are too big or too small. So, when you do go to the gym, you won’t get that same level of satisfaction from your workout, so you won’t be raring to go back. To summarise, whether you need to get a new pair of gym leggings, some new shorts or new trainers, update your gym wear wardrobe and you are likely to feel ready to get back in there.
Mix Up Your Routine
Another important thing to do is to mix up your routine. At the minute, if you run 5 days a week, or weight lift 4 times a week, and do nothing else, it’s no wonder you’re probably getting a bit bored. So, set yourself a challenge to mix up your routine at least once a week to try something different. This won’t impact your progress in the area you are focusing on most, but in fact introducing a different element of fitness could help to improve it! So, say at the minute you run 5 days a week. Select two days a week to go to the gym and do one upper body weights session and one lower body weights session. You will feel so much stronger and more powerful when you are running, plus a combination of cardio and weights based workouts is fantastic for your heart health, joint health and also maintaining a healthy weight. The same goes the other way, if you always weight lift, try a cardio based activity or fitness class once or twice a week and watch your overall performance improve. Or, if you find you are getting overly tired and you need more active rest in your routine, try things like a gentle swim, cycle or yoga session to help with other elements of your fitness.
Keep Key Exercises Too!
Along with mixing up your routine, you should keep some key exercises in your routine, as this will help you to see how much you are progressing which can be great for motivation. So, say you are a runner and you usually do one 5k a week along with others, keep that 5k and then use that to measure your progress, for example how much quicker you can do it each week. If you weight lift, keep some key exercises like deadlifts, squats, leg press, chest press and pull ups in your routine, to see how far you have come and to enable real progress in those areas.