Although TMJ pain can come and go over time, you shouldn’t ignore this condition as it can give birth to more severe issues. Each person can experience temporomandibular joint disorders differently, as some might have chronic pain while others only have episodic pain occurrences known as a flare-up. However, regardless of your condition, TMJ Dundalk treatments will provide you with the relief you seek for your long-term wellness.

While these treatments relieve frustrating TMJ symptoms, certain factors can cause flare-ups. To avoid this from happening, here are six effective ways to prevent TMJ flare-ups.

1.     Maintain the resting position of your jaws

Although you may find it odd to relax in pain, anxiety can cause your muscles to tighten, thus intensifying your pain and worsening your TMJ symptoms. To help you recover fast and improve TMJ pain, you should minimize jaw movements like yawning, singing, chewing, and yelling. Keeping your muscles relaxed will prevent flare-ups and boost your healing process.

2.     Reduce your stress levels

Stress is not only a psychological issue but can also wreak havoc on your TMJ condition. When you’re stressed, it’s more likely that you will suffer bruxism, leading to severe teeth grinding, thus impacting your jawbone. Also, teeth clenching and grinding strain the TMJ and other facial muscles. Therefore, working on ways to minimize stress will significantly boost your recovery and prevent TMJ flare up. You can either try meditation or dedicate your time to self-care.

3.     Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is critical for the health of your jaws and facial muscles. Also, your sleeping position matters when recovering from a TMJ condition. Try sleeping on your back to prevent flare-ups, and always use pillows to support your neck. Avoid placing your hands on the jaw when sleeping, as the applied force can aggravate your pain. Constantly get sufficient sleep to boost your healing.

4.     Avoid certain foods and activities

Certain foods and activities can forcefully strain your mouth or move your jaws. Therefore, to safeguard your jaws and prevent TMJ flare-ups, you should avoid eating crunchy or hard foods, chewing gums, or taking large bites of food. On the other hand, you should eat softer foods that can’t irritate the TMJ and your facial muscles. Soft foods will prevent inflammation and TMJ flare-up.

5.     Identify your triggers

Keep note of what causes TMJ flare-ups and work on avoiding such factors. If your pain aggravates when you grind your teeth, bite your nails, clench the jaw muscles, or rest your jaw in your hand, you should avoid such bad habits. Furthermore, if you have an underlying health issue like a dental problem that worsens your TMJ symptoms, you should discuss them with your doctor.

6.     Stay hydrated

When you’re dehydrated, your body joints typically suffer from reduced lubrication resulting in aggravation and inflammation. You should drink 2 liters of water daily and avoid caffeine. Additionally, you can eat foods with higher water content, like watermelon, tomatoes, cucumber, and cantaloupe.

Have you been suffering from recurrent TMJ pain and don’t know what to do? First, you should get your condition checked to evaluate the ideal cause of your condition. Furthermore, you should maintain the discipline to safeguard your health and prevent TMJ flare-ups.