What You Should Know About KoR Teeth Whitening

Your lifestyle and dental illnesses can contribute to stained teeth. Moreover, not everyone is comfortable with other whitening products or treatments; thus, having a safe alternative can be helpful. Fortunately, KöR whitening Houston procedures can effectively transform your stained or discolored teeth to improve your overall smile.

Unlike other dental whitening treatments, KoR whitening is more advanced and makes your smile appear brighter and more vibrant. However, misinformation about this proven tooth-whitening technique can affect your decision-making. Therefore, here is everything you should know about KoR teeth whitening.

KoR whitening explained

The KoR whitening system revives your teeth’ ability to absorb oxygen. This cosmetic procedure is unique to traditional teeth whitening. It uses whitening gels that absorb oxygen deep into your teeth to dissolve and remove stain molecules.

Unlike other whitening techniques, KoR teeth whitening requires expert supervision. Furthermore, KoR whitening is known to deliver lasting results. Many love this whitening method as it quickly lightens teeth to sixteen shades.

Why should you invest in KoR teeth whitening?

KoR whitening has much more powerful results than other forms of teeth whitening. It dramatically lightens your teeth up to 16 shades or more. While everyone is unique, the KoR whitening system offers nearly all your teeth stunning results.

Most importantly, this cosmetic procedure can significantly whiten even tetracycline-stained teeth. KoR whitening is customized to fit you and thus provides consistent results. Also, its results happen quickly and last for many years.

What are KoR teeth whitening results like?

The good thing about this procedure is that your teeth will look natural and beautifully white. KoR whitening provides an ideal shade specifically for you. Moreover, many patients who undergo KoR whitening report not needing any other teeth whitening soon.

However, if you have crowns or veneers already installed, they will not respond to KoR whitening gel. In most cases, you may have to replace the old ones after whitening. Usually, this is critical for providing an even smile appearance.

Does KoR teeth whitening have side effects?

Generally, the whitening gel produces little to no side effects. Many people experience less sensitivity and discomfort when using the KoR whitening system. KoR teeth whitening can be your ultimate solution as it’s the gentlest whitening system.

However, patients who have dealt with cavities and teeth sensitivity previously can experience some minor discomfort. In case of such occurrences, your dentist can recommend alternatives for tooth sensitivity. It’s also essential to fill a cavity before starting KoR whitening treatment.

How can you maintain your smile after KoR?

It’s no secret that KoR guarantees a healthy, brighter smile. But the longevity of your results depends heavily upon how you care for your smile. To ensure maximum continued results, you should follow your KoR maintenance program as directed by your dentist.

After your KoR whitening treatment, your dentist provides a take-home tooth whitening kit to help maintain your results. You should follow the maintenance regimen to prevent stains from reoccurring. Also, avoid foods or drinks that stain your teeth and practice good oral hygiene.

The KoR whitening system doesn’t harm your teeth or gums. Moreover, it can benefit anyone who is 14 years and older. You, too, should join the list of many patients who enjoy a beautiful, healthy, natural-looking smile from KoR teeth whitening.

 Are you unhappy with the shade of your teeth due to stains and discolorations? Now is the best time to consider getting a KoR teeth whitening. Book your whitening appointment today!